One-note Solo

An off-track exploration of the music of Neil Young. Also jokes.

64: Full-time Hawk

Rich and Josh discuss afternoon beer, responsibility to the brand, pure adrenaline, dressing up as old people, new versions of the show, wheat-based breakfast flakes, the death of cuttlefish, traditional abductions, knitting with your own hair, a sense of significance in the world, feedback for children, hitting a peak, the longevity of a skate career, feeling what it’s like to fly again, Animorphs, forest fires, charred remains, director chairs, Bullhorn 102: Electric Bullhorns, coping mechanisms, staring with a POV shot, looking at these old hands, shaking fists at clouds, taking llamas for a walk, the ‘90s, hiking until you die, a flamingo-esque reign, CGI rain, high-rise gates, the history of these cats, having a bear anywhere, and Neil Young’s Porch Session.

Next time: More sessions?

It’s not that weird looking.