One-note Solo

An off-track exploration of the music of Neil Young. Also jokes.

45: Charming Prepared Research Man

Almost there!

Almost there!

Rich and Josh discuss Saturday morning in Canada, cicadas, time machines, consciousness, Rayne-incarnations, joy joy joy, trying and failing, peaking over the wall, big machines, seventh sons, non-technical ideas, waveforms, parting with your money, super high-quality devices, a lot of heart, Scottish golf musicians, phone-booth aesthetics, communicating with the dead, skipping the first track, playing the same handful of songs, haunting framing, heart-wrenching longing, wondering if he remembers me at all, sounding older than you are, naïve love, being vegan, luminous yellow urine, being self-conscious, data collection, falling in the middle, getting back on track, and Neil Young's A Letter Home.

Next time: Storytone