One-note Solo

An off-track exploration of the music of Neil Young. Also jokes.

10: Popey Church

Diablo Catacombs

Rich and Josh discuss lavender, Scottish snow, fries in McFlurries, J/K Maxx, self-reflection, simple similes, the well going dry, bowls of chilli, Mack trucks, attainable dreams, cherry-flavoured plumes, Vape-azon, bootlegs, Acid Pigs, always swiping right, trips to Rio, Red Wings, tracky bottoms, big stone sheds, Paris, Diablo II, frozen ponds, Tom, Alfie, Wolverine, and Neil Young's American Stars 'n Bars.

Next time: Decade

Rich has no interest in cowgirls by the river, but relishes a fifteen-minute record store security video from the '70s.