One-note Solo

An off-track exploration of the music of Neil Young. Also jokes.

Filtering by Category: Episode

61: The Jerry Seinfeld Show with Jerry Seinfeld

To those who care: I realize that I confused Victoria with Elizabeth I and for that I am sorry.

To those who care: I realize that I confused Victoria with Elizabeth I and for that I am sorry.

Rich and Josh discuss being allowed to use pen, being left-handed, sending cards, text-heavy documents, cards, the ugly duckling story, making thank you cards redundant, waxing versus waning, banging through the building, sleeping in the kitchen, a man driving a Ferrari, TV in the bed, forty minutes max, thinking that I am disturbing someone, five or six substitutes, rambling jaunts, ten times longer than this needs to be, standing right next to the wall, waiting until inspiration strikes, travelling with fire, and Neil Young’s fourth fireside session.

Next time: Hopefully more fireside sessions

60: Ridin’ High, Sinkin' Low

I do love a lighthouse.

Rich and Josh discuss self-identifying as clean-shaven, high school summer romance, peak beard, new chapter, new magic, hanging out the window, an old filing cabinet, broken links, North America, slowing down a bit, younger timeless persons, being cheeky, rotoscoping, shutter sounds, a pub in the garden, lairy guys, one woman on the crew, audiobooks, medical ads, horseshoes and clamps, weird cuts, showing behind the curtain, Tech Talk with Josh and Rich, 57% good days, bean trousers, the Lord’s day, doing a rolly polly on the bed, the nation needing football, and Neil Young’s first fireside session.

Next time: Hopefully more fireside sessions

59: Daryl Hannah Eating Cheese

Now that’s some talented Blender work.

Rich and Josh discuss whole new world, normal cow milk, soaking and blending, the harder bits, decadence, weather starting to get nicer, paying off now, systems, little stacking tables, different personalities, trying on clothes, more calls, user-generated content, 1998 webcams, warehouse weights, justified exercise, templates, a lot of free time on his hands, opposite the coffee shop, a proxy for hanging out, waiting for the grocery store man to show up, feet puppets and Neil Young’s third fireside session.

Next time: Hopefully more fireside sessions

58: Bean Crisis

Such beauty, such disdain.

Rich and Josh discuss real pants, joy from frugality, storing oil, connecting to the outside world, cheese plants, acceptable behaviour, sitting in the dark, little problems you can solve, offsetting a rainy day, crying in different rooms, dating functions, cardiovascular effort, lifting chairs, Voldemort-style, experiences on the table, affairs, a lot of potatoes to go around, essential worker roles, master switches, train sets from 1953, cabinet sounds, this different situation, clean snow angels, the original party, bashing out the hits, cutting to the bathroom, soap operas, Shakey Pictures, studying performances, using your thumb, robot versions of ourselves, building around him, end shots, singing at each other, a piece of a tractor, and Neil Young’s second fireside session.

Next time: Hopefully more fireside sessions

57: The Future Is Yen

There’s a hold world of Brit pop superstars I didn’t even know existed.

There’s a hold world of Brit pop superstars I didn’t even know existed.

Rich and Josh discuss hearths, moving out, pretending she’s a Shakespeare, 2031, little holes, the virtual realm, low fees, triple dancing, pizza parties, meat ice cream, B.Y.O. bubbles, water zappers, sweet spots, blasting it out, being authentically us, our Meghan, a lot of time for Harry and William, costumes, fancy dress, the Angel of the North, being born into titles, dark dark times, heartbreaking baby, being in on the in-joke, normal rules not applying, stomp beat, infinite turnstiles, carnivals, out of office replies, pulled jobs, making environments, prison workouts, rats in a cage on a face, a delayed January, weird times, advancing past the doughnut, back hair, staying positive, being grateful, so much business in the back, medium people, always Mulan, and honourable Neil Young mentions.

Next time: What’s next

Reward levels:
5¥: Virtual high-five—personalized
10¥: Virtual high-ten—personalized
20¥: Virtual hang-ten—personalized wave crest breaking
50¥: Virtual Insanity—dance with us
75¥: Record your outgoing voicemail personalized name
100¥: Cyber advice—your relationship, financial, or other problems
500¥: Pizza party—provide your own pizza
1000¥: Call with family member of your choice
2500¥: Bathtub bonanza—maximum six guests
5000¥: Guest on the show
10000¥: Scented letter and locks of hair
50000¥: Hear the lost ten minutes
100000¥: Rich’s plus-one to wedding

56: Cuddle Cage

It’s probably not exactly like this, but close I’m sure.

It’s probably not exactly like this, but close I’m sure.

Rich and Josh discuss sneeze inclusivity, GIFs, pardoning your French, The Question Show, downtime, direct quotes, the qualifications of judging people, children of divorce, Dashboard situations, skiffle bands, a little door in between, Winnipeg, being sold by the cover, leading you down a path, getting the bongos, how to approach it now, waiting for the wave, sapiosexuality, group stages, destiny, kissing with your eyes open, and review Rich’s top five Neil Young rankings.

Next time: Honourable Mentions

55: I’m the One Living My Life

Some would call the sound familiar and soothing.

Some would call the sound familiar and soothing.

Rich and Josh discuss staring at the sun, Cocaine Henry, clapping at a distance, free forks, keeping noise to a minimum, just Jean, crying out for more modern country, not sleeping, boxing in the snow, making clothes in the library, being fearless in your approach, honorary degrees, memorability, haunting distorted harmonica, Neil Young humour, full Hollywood orchestras, Mr. Foucault, a fair bottom, massive walking contradictions, arranged marriages, the brown-eyed approach, and review Rich’s bottom five Neil Young rankings.

Next time: Rich’s Top Five

54: Stunt Husband

Who wouldn’t want to feel phenomenal?

Rich and Josh discuss pinnacles of fashion, mechanic’s uniform, cucumber munching, pulling back the cellophane, water and green, meandering, classic film, experimental artists, 200 hours of Neil Young, catastrophic thinking, the rapture, big ol’ septuagenarians, recording at such an elevation, ultrarunning, loving routine and structure, the flow state, con-cushions, dedicated vending machines, excuses for falling off the wagon, Mars bars, rehashing, trying to be horses, giving motion to a song, making a record, The Coffee Stutterers, the original manic pixie dream girl, Batman on the grip-tape, lying about scars, Weird Bodies United, and Neil Young’s Colorado.

Next time: Reviewing Rich’s Rankings

53: Scouse About Town

I doughnut know what to say about this.

Rich and Josh discuss Canadian Goosebumps, garbage pits, Virginia Woolf’s room filled with computers, reflections at eighty, thumb pulp, double-blind studies, being too happy, a replacement jellybean, too dark to work, recording in the bathroom, no pain, every piece of medicine, Christmas sandwiches, being pretty knackered, slasher fiction, £3000 commitments, clouds of despair, having a balance, Redcar, dating the Prime Minister, speaking as a parent, George Burns’s cigar, in-jokes, sounding pretty stoned, Bono playing a drum solo, great piano bits, teasing with “Hurricane,” sitting on the floor, literally someone to take care of you, Carrie Snodgress, tpk56, getting in the bed and having a sing, robot vacuum cleaners, lifted moods, not liking the banjo, providing for what they came for, sounding so beautiful, one of the greatest songs ever, really believing it, dead people in life, the Neil Young that everyone likes, tickets to a giant bathtub, and Neil Young’s Songs for Judy.

Next time: Colorado

52: Pescacide

“No thank you,” is all I have to say to that.

“No thank you,” is all I have to say to that.

Rich and Josh discuss peacocks, the end of a decade, a cape with no regard, the vegan masses, plants with feelings, living that dangerous life, a difference in the fabric, immediate family prime, jogging pants, a big blurred patch, the most intimate of moments, threatening to move to Canada, cutting for time, Harold the Google Man, being politically motivated, firing forward, consenting to my photo life, fan service, placating, vampire theme songs, having it tattooed on your body, recycled bamboo, slam poetry, planet wreckers, wide audiences, base level decency, giant bed palace, small spaces, lumberjack demons, animal convicts, a baboon done for tax evasion, and Neil Young’s The Visitor.

Next time: Songs for Judy